Martes, Hulyo 12, 2011

Reaction paper prelim

Personal Reaction

     Are you aware of the population in our country now a days? The mismanagement of resources is a reason why Philippines is overpopulated.  There are too much 
people  getting their fair share of the resource, even though the actually fair share might sustain them. 
That's why there are too many people for the working system to support, and having too many people would result to overpopulation. If a country is overpopulated, there would be more competition. Only a few are given opportunities to work and have education. If a family, does not imply family planning, there is a tendency that they will experience poverty, since they do not have proper decisions and guide to sustain the needs of children. They must know their responsibilities if their income would be enough to sustain for the number of their children. 

     There would be much consumers wherein there is no enough resources. If the country is overpopulated, there would be more pollution in the country. More wastes would be produced. Government would have hard time to distribute funds because there are a lot of people who needs it. How much more if the government is corrupt? People would really suffer a lot. Overpopulation may result to migration from other countries. So, we must be aware of our society and do something for its betterment.

Reaction paper prelim


FACT-BOX: Overpopulation in the Philippines 

 The Philippines are a series of islands in South East Asia. The population is primarily made up of Roman Catholics and is led by the publicly elected president, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. She has admitted to personally using birth-control pills earlier in her life, but refuses to recommend the use of contraceptives. 
 The country is a former American colony and is still has close ties to the USA. 
 The Philippines has a population of approximately 90 million, with more than 11 million living in the capital of Manila. 
 The Philippines is the 12th most populated country in the world. 
 In 1970, the government realised it had to act to slow population growth and launched the Philippines Population Program (POPCOM) and later the National Family Planning Program. Critics complain that the programs are no longer a government priority and have lost their effectiveness and are calling for a revitalised attempt to control overpopulation. 
 There is no sexual education in public schools. Most people have little knowledge about pregnancy and prevention. 
 The Catholic Church in the Philippines preaches against abortion and all forms of contraception and family planning programs. 
 Abortion is illegal in the Philippines, yet it is estimated that every year more than 400,000 illegal abortions are performed. 
 Poverty and overpopulation are closely connected. Poor families often have the most children. 
 In the next 30 years, the population of the world’s cities is expected to triple. In the next 15 years, 18 of the world’s 27 mega-cities (more than 10 million inhabitants) will be in Asia, where half of the residents live in slum-like conditions.